The sort of garage door opener you have, how frequently you use it, and how well you take care of it can all affect how long it lasts. The chances are good that the mechanisms on your garage door can endure long if a professional inspects and maintains it regularly.

Nevertheless, a garage door opener will ultimately need to be replaced no matter how well you maintain it. The typical lifespan of a garage door opener is 10 to 15 years. But how can you tell when a garage door opener needs to be replaced or upgraded? It helps to keep an eye out for a few issues to prevent an unexpected breakdown or structural damage from a broken garage door. Continue reading to learn more about these typical problems, but if it’s already time for a replacement, watch the video below to see how it’s done.

Take Into Consideration the Age of The Garage Door

You might want to consider replacing your garage door if it is between 10 and 20 years old and only has minimal damage. A worn-out door likely needs to be replaced sooner rather than later. Therefore, it might not be worthwhile to spend money on a door that has to be replaced if it can be repaired.

Replacement of your older door can still have benefits, such as a more modern appearance or a garage door that better matches the style of your home, even if the level of damage doesn’t necessarily require it.

How To Find the Experts to Do the Job Right?

We carry various garage doors from Hollywood Door Company in multiple designs. Contact us to receive a free quote or to learn more about the brands we carry.


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